Fortnite Bloom – Weapon Mechanics

Epic added first shot accuracy in patch 3.4 First shot accuracy details. This does not change how bloom/cone of fire explained below works but it does mean that you can now achieve accurate shots.

What is bloom in Fortnite? Fortnite weapon mechanics (overall) consist of two aspects. Weapons have a cone of fire “area” which grows and shrinks. The changing of the cone of fire area is incorrectly referred to as bloom. The fortnitebr reddit tends to use bloom to apply to all aspects of the crosshair cone of fire as well as boom, which can be confusing at times.

To make it simple :

First shot is not more accurate than what is messaged via the crosshair arms. First shot does not hit center point with any more frequency than any other time. The effective range of weapons in Fornite BR is controlled by cone of fire and bloom as they do not suffer from damage falloff. Bloom is the primary mechanic for the majority of the bullet weapons. Sniper rifles are 100% accurate but are projectiles. Shotguns seem to have their own rules – for them use the center point.

How to lower bloom in Fortnite is a good question. Moving, jumping and shooting will raise bloom. To lower bloom a player needs to stand still or crouch. Tap firing automatic weapons allows the size of the cone of fire time to reset between bullets.

Bloom applies to the following weapons : Sub machine gun (SMG), Assault SMG, Silenced SMG, Automatic Pistol, Silences Pistol, Revolver, Assault Rifle (AR), Burst Assault Rifle, Scoped Assault Rifle. The scoped AR is a stand out because its bloom is not messaged with the crosshair while zoomed, however it does seem to offer less bloom than the other weapons while not being 100% accurate.

In Fortnite BR the inside of the crosshair arms denote “bloom” – the circle where bullets can land. This changes with movement, crouching, shooting. The usual suspects that lower weapon inaccuracy in FPS. In order to hit 100% this circle needs to cover the target 100%. The centerpoint of the crosshair is meaningless for the AR/bloom weapons. Bullets do not appear to favor the center more than outside parts of the bloom circle. A better way to describe this might be the cone of fire – however the fortnite BR community seem to have attached the term bloom to everything related to weapon inaccuracy.

Technically “bloom” is the aim area shrinking or expanding based on player behavior. Bloom simulates recoil in Fortnite, however beyond controlling the size of the shooting area (minimise bloom) players cannot control the recoil like in CounterStrike and similar games. There is no recoil pattern to speak of. Some weapons like the shotgun and revolver do “kick” like recoil but this is very minimal compared to bloom.


Fortnite BR Weapon Bloom

What is Bloom in Fortnite for weapons?

In Fortnite the crosshair messages effective range of the guns. This is best visualised with an example.

The picture below is taken from a frame of thisvideo. The player posted it believing they were on point for the shot.

what is fortnite bloom

At that range, with the target taking up 20-30% of the circle you are not going to hit all shots. In fact the target it so small in relation to the bloom area that you are unlikely to hit many.

Its not that you should build. If you want to hit all those shots you need to engage at a closer range. This is the primary difference between the AR weapon rarity. The amount of bloom allowing for engagement at longer ranges.

Somewhat unintuitively aiming for headshots with the center dot will lower your accuracy since there will be a large section of the “bloom area” above the players head.

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  • TrueCaliber

    So let me get this straight: implementation of spray control is not an option, which means the shooting mechanic is not skill based, and a player could try to shoot someone at close range with an AR while hip firing, and still not have a guaranteed chance at hitting the target? Really? First off, I get that Epic Games wanted and still wants to make Fortnite BR for casual shooters fans, but you have players who want to be competitive in a BR game, like Ninja for example, and thousands more. Making the cone of fire RNG for most of the weapons in the game, excluding the shotguns that a lot of Fortnite Twitch streamers use, defeats the point of trying to be better, and it really is frustrating to learn this as being somebody who started playing Fortnite around the beginning of this year when season 2 dropped. Admittedly I haven’t played the game enough to be considered all that good at the shooting aspect, and my building could use some work, no doubt, but I tried implementing spray control, thinking that it would improve my accuracy overtime as I became accustomed to the game’s mechanics, and I’d find myself missing shots when the crosshairs were right on my target, resulting in my death and the taking of my loot that I’d amassed over the course of that match. Another example would be hip firing with an AR. The same thing would happen, and I’d lose all of my loot again. After all of that bullshit, to learn that all of my efforts were in vain to prevent constant deaths and restarts, is soul crushing to me. Not to mention learning that Epic Games have been trying to subtly tweak the building mechanics as well as still refuse to hot fix the cone of fire, while focusing most of their time and effort on the cosmetic items; the very same cosmetic items that someone will have a hard time getting if they have to rely on RNG shots to secure a win. It’s a free-to-play game, I get it, but even FTP games like H1Z1 have skill based mechanics that incentivize the improvement of accuracy to have a higher chance of coming out on top. In the case of any shooting game, skill should be earned, not left to chance.

  • joellll

    > and it really is frustrating to learn this as being somebody who started playing Fortnite around the beginning of this year when season 2 dropped.
    The take away is to work out weapon mechanics before investing six months of play time.

  • L l

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  • juang

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  • Rose

    To Improve your aiming in PC you should install BlitzNite from BlitzHive, And change the color of the crosshair.

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